20+ Photos That Perfectly Show What Life With Cats Is Really Like

As you know, cats are impressive sleepers who can sleep an average of 15 hours per day. But in fact, some cats can sleep as much as 20 hours within a 24-hour period. That’s the reason why many people think that living with cat is easy and peaceful because all they need to do is to sleep, eat, groom themselves, and agree to be stroked. However, their daily schedule is more than just sleeping and eating.

Although cats provide us plenty of love and entertainment, living with them is not as easy as we think it is. We believe every cat owner is very aware of the daily struggles with cats. That’s why we’re eager to show you a series of photos that show exactly what it’s like to live with cats. Scroll down to check for yourself!

1. “Just woke up. Haven’t yet decided whether it’s a good morning or not.”

2. “I was looking gorgeous, as always.”

3. “I’ve been watching my humans cooking something tasty for 40 minutes. However, it was still cat food that I found in my bowl.”

4. “I learned we’re going to the vet today and I couldn’t hold back my emotions.”

5. “Found a perfect box but still didn’t lose my awareness.”

6. “I was taking a sunbath. Stored vitamin D for 3 of my 9 lives.”

7. “My human fell into the water again. They were crying out loudly for help.”

8. “Jumped into the bathtub, hooked onto a towel, and fell asleep.”

9. “Tried to make those cat eyes from Shrek. I did it!”

10. “My humans bought a bag. I tried it on right away.”

11. “Tried to frighten my human. He should always stay aware.”

12. “They called me chubby. I proved they were wrong by fitting myself into a tiny box.”

13. “They took away my box so I found something similar to it. Feeling cheated.”

14. “Took a bite. Regretted it.”

15. “Decided to stay alone. I spent some good time analyzing my life.”

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