The 5 most expensive flowers in the world

There are several rare and expensive flowers around the world, some of them include:

  1. Juliet Rose: Known for its high value and rarity, the Juliet Rose is sold for hundreds of thousands of US dollars per stem.
  2. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid: A rare Chinese orchid variety, this type is sold at around $200,000 per stem.
  3. Tulip Semper Augustus: A rare and expensive tulip variety from the 17th century, at one point a single tulip bulb of this variety could be exchanged for a house in the Netherlands.
  4. Gold of Kinabalu Orchid: A costly orchid variety, particularly found in Malaysia, fetching prices ranging from $5,000 to $6,000 per stem.
  5. Saffron Crocus: This flower produces the saffron spice, one of the most expensive spices globally. The price of this flower ranges from $1,500 to $2,000 per pound of saffron threads.

Remember, the value of these flowers often fluctuates based on the timing, rarity, and different flower markets or market conditions.

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