Loc Vung flower – Characteristics, meaning, planting and care

It is not difficult to see the sesame plant on roads and streets from rural areas to urban areas. Because this is a quite popular plant grown in our country, especially thanks to its ability to create shade and the beauty and meaning of the sesame bud. Let’s learn more about Loc Vung as well as how to grow and care for this plant!

The Barringtonia acutangula tree, also known by another name, Barringtonia acutangula , is a species of the genus Barringtonia acutangula, a tree native to Asia and Australia. And the sesame plant is also widely used in ornamental plants and small woody plants. Especially has good endurance and can be used as shade.

In Southeast Asia, this species is distributed in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. Particularly in Vietnam, trees appear everywhere, planted along rivers and parks.

Barringtonia acutangula


In our country, sesame buds are divided into two types of leaves: long leaves and round leaves or classified by flower color: red flowers, yellow flowers, white flowers.

Loc Vung is a perennial woody plant, with an average height of about 2-5m, green leaves, many branches, and a wide canopy.


When the leaves are young, they are purple-red, then gradually change to young leaves, and when older, they turn dark green, the top surface is darker than the bottom. The leaves are oval, elongated, and gradually point towards the stem.

Color of sesame leaves


The sesame flower vine consists of beautiful small flowers forming a bunch of chains 6-20cm long, white, red, and yellow. When blooming, there is a faint floral scent with a soft, loose shape, creating a charming and outstanding beauty for the plant. The flowers usually bloom in early summer and late fall.


After the flowers fade, on the flower vines will appear vines filled with sesame seeds. The fruit is brown, spherical in shape, has a hard outer shell, has few seeds and is hidden in the flesh.

Sesame fruit


According to Eastern feng shui, the sesame bud tree has a good meaning for the homeowner, it brings fortune, luck, and prosperity. In addition, growing this plant in the house will create a feeling of peace and attract money and fame.

When the sesame flowers bloom, people believe that it brings joy, associated with the implication of prosperity and fortune.

The meaning of trees with large trunks and wide roots is to represent the steadfast and steadfast will of the homeowner. The longer the tree’s lifespan, the more longevity it brings to the family.

Sesame plant in the house


+ Sesame seeds contain tamin, including resin and 2 saponins, a toxic substance called glucoside – a saponin called barringtonin.

+ According to oriental medicine, sesame seeds have a sweet taste, neutral properties, and are used for cases of physical weakness and premature gray hair. The roots have a bitter taste and have antipyretic properties. The seeds have a mild aroma.

Therefore, sesame seeds are effective in treating and curing a number of diseases as follows:

Treat eczema

Take the green sesame fruit, squeeze the juice and apply it on the eczema.

Treat toothache

Use crushed green sesame seeds and soak them in wine for 1 month. Then drink water every day to treat toothache.

Treat diarrhea and fever

Take the sesame stem bark, scrape off the outer layer, wash, slice, and dry. Each time use 6-16 grams of peel with 400ml of water until 100ml remains, divide and drink 2 times a day.

Treat hemorrhoids

Take a handful of sesame leaves, wash them, soak them in salt water, take them out and drain. At night before going to bed, take sesame leaves, chew and swallow the water and then use the residue to apply to the anus.

Then, use a gauze bandage, keep it for 15 minutes, then remove it, then rinse with water. Do this continuously for 7-10 days.

Cooling, reducing fever

Wash the sesame roots, dry them or use them fresh to make a decoction for drinking water, which has cooling effects and stimulates digestion, loosens phlegm, and cures coughs.

Cure colds and diarrhea

Use sesame seeds to grind and combine with ginger juice to drink.

Cures dysentery

Take the sesame leaves, wash them, soak them in salt water, then squeeze the juice to drink.

In western medicine

The sesame plant has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is made into medicine in the form of modern medicine. Sesame seed extract has anti-cancer effects. Extracts from the peel and seeds have antifungal and analgesic effects.

Prepare seeds

The plant is propagated by cuttings or growing seeds.

For propagation by seeds

Just take the old seeds and plant them in pots like other seedlings.

To prepare soil for planting, the simplest way is to mix large-grained sand with good humus soil at a ratio of 4:1. To be more elaborate, mix rice husk ash with coconut fiber in a ratio of 1:1, cover each cell with bricks, pour in mixed soil, then plant the seeds 2-3cm deep, water regularly to keep them moist, the possibility of germination will be high.

For propagation by cutting branches (will ensure the plant has similar characteristics to the parent plant)

Sesame bud branches should be taken in the hot and humid season (the tree produces resin) or in the cold season when the leaves have fallen and the hidden buds are not yet active, and will not emerge until early spring.

Branch cuttings will have a higher chance of survival, especially in the May – June season every year when the spring buds have turned to banh te branches. You should choose exposed branches in the middle of the trunk, with thick bark and abundant sap.

Prepare soil for planting sesame seeds

You should use fertile soil combined with additives such as rice husks, crushed brick kiln coal slag as well as a little fertilizer.

The soil must be loose, airy and ensure high nutrition. Pay special attention to good drainage during the rainy season.


Loc sesame is a plant that likes light, sunshine, and airiness. Therefore, trees should be planted in the yard or spacious grounds. If you cannot grow the plant in a place with lots of sunlight, at least keep it in an environment with light or partial light.


Loc sesame prefers warmth, however the tree can also withstand large temperature ranges and tolerate heat and cold well. Therefore, you don’t have to be too picky about temperature when growing this pleasant flower.


Loc sesame prefers average humidity. The plant does not need too much water or humidity, just be careful not to let the plant get too dry.


The roots of sesame buds are sensitive to soil moisture. So wherever you want the roots to grow, pack some humus and keep it moist. After 2-3 months, the roots will grow.

The water needs of sesame seeds are not high, so when planting, be careful to water moderately. However, you should not let the tree get too dry. The right amount of water will make the sesame buds bloom in full bloom and have the richest color.


Pay attention to periodically adding phosphate fertilizer to plants. If growing in pots, change the soil every 2-3 years to increase nutrition for plants to flower in the right season.

Fertilize when the tree is budding, increase fertilizer for flowers to increase flower length, length, and fruit set, increasing the beauty of the tree.

Pest prevention

Locust tree has quite a lot of damage to the opinion. Prune tree branches and tree canopy regularly to keep the tree beautiful. By cutting branches that are not of the same age, the flowers may be scattered from spring to fall, hiding pests.

Above are some characteristics as well as basic notes when growing sesame buds. Please pay attention to be able to grow wild buds that produce bright red flowers.


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