October 11, 2024

No One Believed This Abused Kitten With Leg Fractures Would Walk Again

Many animals suffer extreme neglect and abuse before being heartlessly abandoned, and this little furry boy was no exception.

Having endured a lifetime of abuse, a tiny white kitten with a black patch on his head found himself alone on the streets, hoping for a miracle.

close-up photo of abused kitten

Fortunately, that miracle came sooner than expected. A compassionate couple stumbled upon the kitten on the street and took him without a second thought, affectionately naming him Doug.

Recognizing his dire condition, they rushed him to the nearest pet hospital.

abused cat

At the hospital, the prognosis was grim. The vet concluded that Doug had been neglected and abused for a long time, resulting in a shattered hip and kneecap.

His hind legs were paralyzed due to severe fractures, but the couple’s timely intervention offered a glimmer of hope. The couple hoped for Doug’s quick recovery and a brighter future in their loving home.

cat wrapped in a towel

The vets promised the couple they would do their best to give Doug a better chance at life. After being dewormed and cleaned, he was prepared for surgery, as that was the only way to give him a chance to walk again.

When the cat surgeon arrived, Doug was all set for his procedure. Thankfully, the surgery went well, and he was soon on his way home with his new family.

cat with leg fractures

After the surgery, Doug couldn’t yet put weight on his legs, but the vets were optimistic. True to his nature, he didn’t let his spirits dampen.

Doug underwent four surgeries in a row and kept fighting, crawling around the house, and showing his friendly personality.

cat walking up the stairs

His recovery was progressing fine, but one day, he caught his whole family by surprise. After hearing an unusual sound on their stairs, they found Doug running up and down the stairs, proudly showing his ability to walk.

No one believed that Doug would walk again, but he proved everyone wrong with his resilient fighting spirit.

photo of black and white cat

Once he started using his hind legs again, Doug became even more curious about new things, including his feline sister. He would follow her everywhere around and watch her from a safe distance.

Now, Doug is living a better life than he ever expected. He can walk, run, and have the best time with his forever family, who never regretted taking him in.

Doug brings endless joy into their lives, and it’s a good thing they crossed each other’s paths.

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