October 12, 2024

The Top Spot: Ferret’s Preferred Nap Destination is with his Feline Pal

Keanu, the friendly ferret, welcomed Rexie into the family with open arms, and the two have been best buddies since Rexie arrived back in February 2015.

Instagram account ferrecats showcases the daily lives of two adorable felines residing in Yekaterinburg, Russia, under the loving care of their human mom, Dasha Minaeva.

Instagram/ferrecats Minaeva has been the proud owner of Rexie since he was just a tiny kitten. Her friends were looking for homes for their kittens, and Rexie was just a cute, ordinary cat at the time.

Instagram/ferrecatsMonths down the line, Rexie’s life unexpectedly took a sorrowful turn.

On her Instagram account @ferrecats, Minaeva shared the unfortunate incident where Rexie was left in the care of her family members who were not gentle with him. As a result of their rough handling, he suffered a broken backbone which left him unable to use his back legs.

Follow us on Instagram @ferrecats! Even though Rexie had a permanent disability that prevented him from using his back legs, Minaeva was committed to ensuring that his overall well-being was not compromised. She brought Rexie to physical therapy sessions where he began his journey of rehabilitation, mastering the art of mobility with only his two front legs.

Instagram page @ferrecats shared a heartwarming story about a cat who had a tough start walking on only his two paws. Despite the initial difficulties, he eventually grew stronger and became more comfortable with his unique way of moving. However, one challenge he still faces is his inability to urinate on his own, so he requires assistance in emptying his bladder.

@ferrecats Instagram pageMinaeva shared that despite her family feeling remorseful for the incident involving her cat while they were in charge, it is now too late to undo the past for Rexie. However, Rexie has shown resilience and managed to overcome the obstacles he faced.

On Instagram, ferrecats, Minaeva introduced Rexie to her home after already having Keanu as part of her family. Keanu, who is now 4 years old, was rescued by Minaeva from a pet store where he was in a sad state – small for his age and partially bald. She noted that the workers at the pet shop didn’t seem to be concerned about his well-being.

Instagram account @ferrecats showcases Rexie, a cat who will be celebrating his 2nd birthday next month. Despite being a typical cat in many ways, his special bond with Keanu sets him apart from the rest.

On the Instagram page ferrecats, Minaeva shared that Keanu, the friendly ferret, welcomed Rexie with open arms. Surprisingly, it was Keanu who eagerly chased the cat around, leading to a strong bond between the two. Now, Rexie is the one constantly looking for ways to engage Keanu in playtime.

Check out Instagram user ferrecats to see the incredible transformation of Keanu from a sickly animal to a lively playmate for Rexie. It’s amazing to see him now, full of energy and snuggled up with his brother.

On Instagram at Ferrecats, it seems like Rexie is also doing just fine keeping up with everything.

Instagram account @ferrecats shared that, despite the custom wheelchair purchased by Minaeva to assist him, Rexie actually prefers using his paws for mobility.

On their Instagram page Ferrecats, Minaeva describes Keanu as a playful and curious ferret, while Rexie is portrayed as relaxed, laid-back, and affectionate. Rexie seems to be content living his best life as it is.

Follow Rexie and Minaeva on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on their adventures.

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