October 12, 2024

Noseless Kitten Discovered Near Dumpster Finds A Loving Home After Being Rejected His Whole Life

Here’s a story about a little kitty named Nigel who was discovered all by himself near a garbage can in Dorchester, Massachusetts.

Nigel was very hungry, fragile, and needed help. He had to deal with these challenges all on his own until a nice person discovered him, and rushed him to an animal protection center.

close-up photo of noseless kitten

After he went through a full check-up, the vets assumed Nigel had a face infection, and his nose had changed color due to it.

The people who took care of him knew they had to do something immediately, so they gave him medicine to fight the infection. The medicine worked quite well at first, and it helped him feel better.

noseless orange kitten

At first, the vets didn’t think Nigel’s health was very bad. However, just when they thought he was getting better, something bad happened.

One day, a part of his nose suddenly fell off. The vets thought this might have happened because Nigel got hurt in the past. They concluded that maybe someone had bitten his face, caused forced blunt trauma, or that he was electrocuted.

Even though things didn’t go well for Nigel, the vets and volunteers never stopped trying. He may look different now, but he still has a fun-loving purrsonality. He deserves to have a happy life, just like any other little kitten.

photo of noseless kitten

Soon after he started feeling better, Nigel was sent to a foster home where he kept getting daily care. While there, he had a successful surgery on his face to avoid any more infections.

However, while he was healing, he faced another problem – his bottom canines started growing into his upper lip.

They realized they had to take action right away, or else the teeth would trap and hurt his lip. To prevent any more problems, the vets removed a few of his teeth. Luckily, it ended up being another successful treatment.

kitten sleeping

Nigel’s story took a turn for the better once he made a complete recovery. The best part? He found his forever home with an amazing new mom who happens to be a certified vet!

This means he’ll always get the special care he deserves. Not only that, he also gained two new brothers – rescue cats just like him, saved from the streets.

Even though nobody wanted him at first, I’m happy that there are still good people out there who helped Nigel find a loving forever home.

woman holding the kitten

It’s great to know that he won’t have to go through tough times by himself anymore and that he’s doing well and feeling happier than ever.

His journey shows how adopting animals in need can bring so much joy. Perhaps one day, you might think about welcoming a rescue pet into your family too.

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