October 6, 2024

Kitten Found Under Car Became Very Close to Two Cats Waiting for Home, They Just Got Their Wish Together

A kitten found under a car became very close to two cats waiting for a home. They just got their wish together.

cat snuggling kitten

Piper the cat and Bluebell the kittenNadija

A tiny kitten was found spinning in circles under a car and brought to a local ER animal hospital for help.

One of the veterinary technicians offered to care for her. She contacted her local animal rescue, AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue, took the kitten home, and nursed her back to health.

“Thankfully, the kitten recovered within a few days, ruling out major concerns,” Nadija, a volunteer for the rescue, shared with Love Meow. “She has a slight head tilt and occasionally stumbles a little. It doesn’t slow her down.”

kitten stray tiny

Bluebell was found under a carAnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue

The kitten named Bluebell came to her foster home with Nadija for socialization. She strode into the house like she owned the place, claiming every inch she touched.

“She’s one of the most outgoing, brave, curious, and friendly kittens I’ve fostered.”

sleeping sweet kitten


“She has absolutely no fear. She will even play with the vacuum, which is hilarious to watch.”

Bluebell was constantly on the go, venturing into nooks and crannies, getting into all sorts of antics while looking charming and adorable. When she discovered the office, she jumped onto the desk and offered “help” by snoozing.

happy gray kitten


“There were about 24 cat beds, a dozen blankets, a king-sized bed, a comfy couch, a giant dog bed, cat trees, and my lap. Bluebell chose to lie on my desk for her nap.”

Despite sleeping at her job, Bluebell never left her foster mom until work was finished.

sweet sleeping desk kitten

Bluebell likes to offer “help” in the officeNadija

Bluebell adored her people, but when she realized she wasn’t the only cat in the house, she was on cloud nine.

Penelope and Piper, two rescued sisters, had been in foster care for almost a year. They were each other’s anchors through thick and thin. “They had a rough start to life, but that didn’t stop them from becoming two of the sweetest cats.”

calico cats holding paws

Piper and Penelope holding pawsNadija

Piper has been the “big” sister to Penelope, grooming and looking out for her since they were four weeks old.

When they met the new kitten, they immediately swept her into their crew. Piper went above and beyond to make sure Bluebell was cared for. “The second Piper met Bluebell, she decided the kitten needed a bath and got right to work.”

cat snuggling kitten

Piper loves BluebellNadija

“She is always so sweet with kittens, but she really loves Bluebell.”

Bluebell was in heaven, having a big sister to dote on her. She burrowed her face into Piper and melted into a puddle of purrs. While Piper became the mother figure, Penelope was the playful sibling with whom Bluebell ran around creating trouble.

sweet cat caring kitten


Around that time, a couple was seeking a new feline addition to their family when they came upon the two calico sisters.

“They fell in love with the girls after reading their descriptions online and realized how much Penelope sounded like their kitty that recently passed away. Once they came over for a meet-and-greet, we realized how much they had in common.”

calico cat gray kitten

Penelope and Bluebell love to play and get into trouble togetherNadija

“It’s almost as if their kitty had a paw in making all this happen.”

While visiting the calicos, they noticed the gray kitten shadowing the sisters around. The dynamic of the three was beautiful to watch; each played a role in making the perfect blend. The couple knew they couldn’t leave the kitten behind.

happy cat kitten adoption

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