October 6, 2024

Kitten with 3 Legs Grabs Kind Woman by Her Hand and Insists on Going Home with Her

HV-A kitten with three legs held onto a woman’s hand and wouldn’t let go.

Ahsen from Istanbul, Turkey was at her veterinary clinic when she came across a kitten with three legs.

The tabby was found with a severely injured leg after an accident on the street. She was brought to a shelter and was later transferred to a vet clinic for amputation when they realized that her leg couldn’t be saved.

“I went to see her and she was lying in the cage in a cast. She tried to grab my hand with her little front paw as if she didn’t want me to leave,” Ahsen told Love Meow.

“They told me that the kitten would not return to the shelter and would need a home after treatment.”

Ahsen left the clinic that day but couldn’t stop thinking about the kitten. All of her cats at home are rescues and some have special needs.

“I kept thinking about her and couldn’t get her out of my mind. So I decided to go back to see her, and if she was still there, I would adopt her and do my best to give her the best life she deserves.”

A few days later, the kitten was reunited with Ahsen, now her forever human. She nuzzled face first into Ahsen’s hand and purred up a storm. “We named her Ekim which means October in Turkish,” Ahsen shared with Love Meow.

The sweet kitten was so happy to be home and to be held by her favorite person. She put her front paw on her human’s hand and went right to sleep. “She was very affectionate and happy from the start.”

Ahsen kept the kitten company throughout the day, making sure that she was loved. “She would cry if she was alone, so I wrapped her up like a burrito with a blanket and it made her feel safe.”

Ekim continued to heal and be doted on by everyone in the family. She preferred being cuddled at all times and would hold hands with Ahsen when she slept at night.

As the kitten got better and stronger, she learned to walk again using her three legs. Despite still wearing a cast, Ekim wouldn’t let anything stop her, and insisted on doing everything that any 4-legged cat would.

“She toured around the house for the first time on her own and even used the litter box by herself.”

Watch the kitten and her journey in this video:


Once her cast was removed, Ekim was so thrilled that she scampered around the house like she owned it.

She slipped into a fluffy bed and rolled around on her back, feeling all the fabric with her cast-free body.

Ekim is very outgoing and extremely playful. She can outrun other kitties with four legs and climb and jump like a pro.

“All the other resident cats have taken her in as their own, especially Hayko the paralyzed cat. They always hang out together,” Ahsen said.

The tripod kitty has really bonded with Hayko who is paralyzed from the waist down. With her encouragement, Hayko has been more active and playful than ever.

The two share an amazing chemistry as if they understand each other.

It’s been over two months since Ekim found her forever home.

She’s blossomed into a happy, healthy, energetic tabby cat and has gained a big family that adores her to bits. Having three legs doesn’t slow her down a bit.

“She is my little one-winged angel, the most loving cat I’ve ever seen in my life,” Ahsen told Love Meow.

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