October 6, 2024

Sweet Shelter Cat Seeks A New Home For Him And His Giant Cheeks

 “Duckphone has definitely been turning heads.”

Meet Duckphone — a sweet, adoptable rescue cat with a larger-than-life personality. But that’s certainly not the only thing that’s big about him.

Duckphone also has some adorably oversized cheeks.

2-year-old Duckphone was recently brought to the Cleveland Animal Protective League’s animal shelter after being picked up as a stray. It was clear to his new caretakers from the beginning that he was no ordinary cat.

“I think everyone’s first reaction to seeing his sweet and unique face was, ‘Whoa, look at those cheeks,’” Hannah MacIntyre, the shelter’s social media specialist, told The Dodo. “Duckphone has definitely been turning heads.”

And it’s easy to see why.

Duckphone isn’t all just cheek and jowl, of course. Despite his untold time living life as a stray, he’s still a total sweetheart.

“He has an incredibly friendly personality,” MacIntyre said. “[He] will come right to you for pets and attention.”

Who could say no to that face?

Duckphone was named after a duck-shaped telephone one of the shelter’s volunteers had seen randomly on a TV show: “Our team names so many animals, making it hard to come up with names sometimes,” MacIntyre said. “So they are often very random.”

A checkup with the vet did reveal that he has feline immunodeficiency virus. But that’s not slowing him down.

“He is a happy and otherwise healthy kitty!” MacIntyre added.

Fortunately, Duckphone is now safe under the shelter’s care, but there’s still one thing missing in his life — a home to call his own for him and his giant cheeks.

UPDATE 3/16: Duckphone has been adopted!

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