October 10, 2024

Bazooka’s Journey to Health: How A Chance Encounter with a Marathon Runner Turned His Life Around

Introducing Bazooka, a delightful and plump feline with a coat of orange stripes. At the age of five, he found himself at a shelter following the passing of his elderly owner. Suffering from dementia, the owner would often forget when he had last fed Bazooka, opting to top up his food bowl whenever it appeared empty. As a result, this ginger cat now tips the scales at over 35 pounds (around 16 kilograms)! While it may seem excessive, it’s important to remember that Bazooka’s previous owner had the best intentions and simply wanted to show him love and care.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Credit for the image goes to spcaofwakecounty. Upon his arrival at the shelter, the chubby cat required extensive medical attention. Two shelter employees were taken aback by his size and had to carry him in. This pudgy feline had to begin his journey towards shedding some pounds in order to improve his health, happiness, and ability to perform typical feline activities.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Photo courtesy of spcaofwakecountyShortly after, Bazooka was on his way to a new home with a caring foster family who would keep an eye on his well-being and aid the adorable cat in shedding those unwanted pounds. A heartwarming video captured him tackling the stairs with determination. Thanks to the love and encouragement from his foster caregivers, Bazooka was able to reach this milestone. Gradually, he began embracing his healthier habits and making progress towards his weight loss journey.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Credit for the image goes to the spcaofwakecounty. When Bazooka’s health improved, he was deemed fit to join his new family. His new owner instantly fell in love with the charming cat, creating a heartwarming scene. Bazooka was given a new name, which suited his majestic demeanor – King Augustus, inspired by the Roman statesman and first emperor of the Roman Empire.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Credit goes to spcaofwakecounty for the image.We were able to get in touch with Robin Anderson, the new owner of King Agustus, to get some insights. When asked about the cat’s progress and if he had started losing weight, Robin responded, “It’s only been 2 days since he came home with us, so there hasn’t been any weight loss yet. In fact, he has gained a bit since his last weigh-in at the Vet’s office, tipping the scales at 36.4lbs. His next vet appointment is scheduled for February 14th.”

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Credit for the image goes to the spcaofwakecounty organization. When questioned about the most challenging aspect of caring for King Augustus, the owner humorously replied, “The most difficult part is lugging him around – and trying to fit his crate or him into the car. My arms are in pain!”

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Credit for the image goes to spcaofwakecounty

Robin is passionate about staying fit and healthy. She recently completed her first marathon after losing 127 pounds due to being diagnosed with diabetes. Thanks to her weight loss and dedication to running, she was able to control her A1C levels and is no longer diabetic. Robin is an early riser, hitting the pavement at 4:30 am twice a week for 4-5 miles each time, and on weekends she averages 8-16 miles. With 30 races lined up for the year, Robin is always looking for new challenges. She even plans to include her dog, King, by getting him a harness for some joint exercise. Let’s all join Robin in staying active and healthy!

A heartwarming image shows Bazooka being welcomed into his new home by his loving owner.

The owner mentioned that Augustus is still settling into his new environment, taking it slow with his introduction to the family members, which also includes their petite 10-pound dog. They described Augustus as a cuddly companion who enjoys belly rubs, eagerly anticipating the day when he feels fully at ease in their home. The owner also noted their favorite quality of Augustus: his purring, which they humorously likened to being louder than a Ford F-150 truck.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Robin shared the story of how she came to adopt Augustus, a cat she found out about through a Facebook group dedicated to Maine Coon rescues. After her beloved Whisky passed away in August, Robin felt a void in her life. She had been keeping an eye on rescue posts for some time, but most were from shelters far away. When she saw a post about King (Bazooka) being moved to a shelter in her state, she knew he was meant to be hers. Despite some logistical challenges at the shelter, Robin was determined to bring Augustus home with her. In the end, she was able to fill out the paperwork first and welcome Augustus into her life with excitement.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

Photo courtesy of spcaofwakecountyWhile they are still in the process of getting acquainted, we hope that soon they will become one big, happy family. King Augustus is on the road to recovery and will soon be a content kitten in his wonderful new home. Let’s all send positive vibes to Augustus and wish him all the best. We are optimistic that he will thrive and be even happier than before!Check out this image of him shedding those extra pounds in his fresh surroundings.

Meet Bazooka, An Overfed And Obese Cat Whose Life Changed Once He Met This Marathon Runner

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