Abandoned Cat Won’t Stop Kissing His New Mom On Her Nose

As animal lovers, we hate ignorant and irresponsible owners who abandon their pets and leave them to fend for themselves on the streets. Luckily, there are still…

Meet The Cat Who Hangs Around Hospital For A Year, Ending Up Getting Hired As A Security Cat

Have you ever seen a cat that can do human jobs? It sounds weird, but actually happens at Epworth Hospital in Richmond, Australia. A cat who was…

This Adorable Chubby Cat Loves Sleeping So Much That People Call Him “The Sleepy Influencer”

Meet Fat Xiang or Fat “Lucky Guy”, a red tabby munchkin who has been going viral recently for his nearly constant state of sleep in adorable and…

Meet Famous Instagram Cat Jasper Who Lost Both Of His Eyes To Corneal Ulcers And 57K Of His Followers Can’t Get Enough Of Him

This adorably spooky hairless cat is a star on Instagram. Jasper (name of the cat) unfortunately lost both of his eyes to corneal ulcers. But strong Jasper…

Sweet Cat Comforts His Scared Brother During Thunderstorm

With four mischievous rescue cats and a big dog, Emma Patricia’s house is rarely quiet. The animals all love to play and wrestle with each other, especially…

Saddest Stray Cat Looks Completely Different One Year After Being Adopted

Meet Mister Bruce Willis, the saddest stray cat who has completely transformed into a happy cat after getting adopted. Before finding his forever home, the orange tabby…

Expressive Cat Has The Funniest Reaction When Watching A Horror Movie

We get scared while watching horror movies, and this is no exception to our naughty cats. The loud and sudden noises, as well as the background music…

30 Hilarious Pictures That Prove Cats Are The Biggest Jerks To Dogs

If you are raising both cats and dogs, you must see some scenes that prove cats are the biggest jerks to dogs. They are smaller in size…

30 Photos Of Cats In Small Shops Looking Like They Own The Place

According to Wikipedia, a bodega cat (also referred to as a deli cat, store cat, or shop cat) is a cat that inhabits a bodega, which in…

Kitten Refuses To Let Her Mother Use Computer Mouse

Brenna Telaroli first met Mokou the cat when he was an 8-week-old kitten. He was sick and needed emergency surgery due to being born with a large…