October 8, 2024

Disabled Cat Is So Happy To Make His First Friend After Escaping Euthanasia

In the quiet countryside of Wisconsin, a tiny kitten named Snapple faced a challenging start to life. He was born with cerebellar hypoplasia and his future looked uncertain.

CH is a condition that affects motor skills and balance, making the world a wobbly place for those who have it. But Snapple’s story took a heartwarming turn thanks to the compassion of a Minneapolis rescue group and the unwavering support of a devoted foster mom named Kris.

Kris saw beyond Snapple’s condition, recognizing the vibrant spark in his eyes. She decided to foster him and try her best to secure him a brighter future.

As Snapple grew, his cheerful spirit became impossible to ignore, and Kris knew he deserved a forever home where he could continue to thrive.

disabled black cat

At about the same time, a couple from Hawaii had a conversation about wanting to adopt a special needs cat, and that’s when they contacted Snapple’s foster mommy Kris.

They reached out to Kris, filled with questions and concerns, explaining how they’d never cared for a disabled cat before. Could they handle the responsibility? Would they be able to meet his needs? 

Kris, with her nurturing nature, patiently reassured them. She explained the ins and outs of caring for a cat with CH, instilling confidence and hope in the couple.

disabled cat

They agreed to do a meet and greet and the woman set out and went on a 9-hour flight from Hawaii to Minneapolis. She was determined to meet her new feline friend and those nine hours just flew by.

She spent a night there and left the next morning. Her meeting with Snapple was heartfelt and despite the distance and the challenges ahead, she talked to her husband and decided to make Snapple a permanent part of their family:

“When I flew home, we decided we wanted to be Snapple’s forever family.”

owner and disabled cat

After all the paperwork went through, their joy was spoiled by Hawaii’s strict animal quarantine laws. Snapple couldn’t go to his forever home for another four months.

That’s when they contacted Kris again, asking if she was open to fostering Snapple for four more months which she gladly accepted!

The couple ensured that all of Snapple’s needs were met, covering his food, vet checkups, and even starting him on therapy to help with his condition.

vet and disabled cat

During those four months, Kris and Snapple formed an even deeper bond. But the time finally came for Snapple to move to his new and forever home.

Kris traveled with him to Hawaii, staying with the family for a week to ensure a smooth transition and to help Snapple adjust to his new surroundings.

cat with wheels

Snapple’s new and forever home had yet another surprise in store. It came packed with another kitty. Wouldn’t you know it! Not only did he get hooman parents and a loving home, but he was getting a feline friend as well!

Moana was this couple’s first “foster fail” and the two kitties seemed to hit it off right from the start! She quickly became Snapple’s best friend and guardian.

two cats laying together

From the very beginning, whenever Snapple would meow or make a sound that seemed like he was in discomfort, Moana would rush to him to see if he was ok.

She was with him all the time once Kris left, perhaps she felt that Snapple was a bit sad to see his foster mommy go away. However, Moana stayed protective even after Snapple adjusted to his new environment.

Their owner feels like Moana instinctively knows that Snapple needs a little extra care, she is incredibly patient and caring with him.

two cats watching trough window

They feel like she wants Snapple to feel like a regular cat and for him to have regular cat experiences.

Moana’s patience and protective nature have helped Snapple feel like a regular cat, giving him the confidence to explore his new world despite his physical limitations.

Their forever mommy shares how they’ve never felt so close to a cat, feeling like they are like an extension of him:

“I wanna say we are his sixth limb. We call his tail the fifth one because he does use that to also communicate with us to tell us how he’s feeling, and to help him move around.”

disabled cat in car

What’s amazing about Snapple is that his CH doesn’t affect his cognitive ability.

“It’s not something that is painful. Snapple was supposed to be euthanized, and I believe he had a few days left. Foster mom, Kris, wanted to just give him the last few days of love and life. And she quickly realized that he had a lot of life and had a spark for life and it was not his time to go.”

Snapple is just so full of life and joy, he gets excited whenever he sees a toy, and just as excited when he sees his furr-iend Moana.

owner and two cats

He joined his fur-ever family when he was about 11 months old, and he’s been with them for about three years. They hope they’ll be together for many more years to come! 

He is a healthy, lucky, and above all, happy little boy! His family and Moana are both lucky and happy to have him in their life!

Share Snapple’s heartwarming story with your friends and help spread awareness of CH kitties who deserve a chance at a loving life, just as any other cat out there.

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