October 5, 2024

Kitten With Only 2 Legs Hops Her Way into the Perfect Home

A kitten named Duck has only two hind legs, but she lets nothing stop her.

A tabby kitten was brought to an animal clinic in Florida a few months ago with a severe injury — she was found with her two front legs mangled. Despite an unthinkably rough start, the kitten was determined to live.

“She was brought into my sister’s clinic… thankfully, they have an amazing surgeon that wanted to save her and performed a double amputation,” Duck’s human wrote. “We think maybe (she was) trying to stay warm in the engine bay of a car.”

The kitten persevered through the surgery like a champ. When she was well enough, they wanted to get her into foster care so she could continue to recuperate in the comfort of a loving home.

“I took her in (as a foster) and she acclimated to her new life quickly,” Duck’s human wrote. “It didn’t take her long at all to adapt and start walking all around the house on her own.”

Before they knew it, the kitten had hopped her way into their hearts and made herself a permanent part of the family. She continued to make strides and exude happiness to everyone around her.

Soon, she figured out how to use her hind legs to help her get around.

Duck would stand on her hind paws and balance with her tail, which gives her a resemblance to a T-Rex. As soon as she found her footing, she would take off and make a dash across the room with incredible speed.

The little feline refuses to let anything slow her down. She has explored every nook and cranny in her home and is always happy.

“(She is) the happiest little kitten alive,” Duck’s human said on Instagram. “I got her some wheels and a custom fit harness but she was not a fan. She loves running around free.”

The little miracle kitty will go after anything that moves, and jump and hop with amazing agility.

At six months old, Duck is the fastest 2-legged kitten there is.

She has three canine siblings, a feline sister and six hens that she hangs out with in the yard when she goes sun-bathing.

The dogs in the house are much bigger than she is, but what she lacks in size, she surely makes up for in energy and personality. She enjoys following them around the house and learning new tricks like a pup.

This little kitten who thinks she is part dog, never ceases to amaze people with her willpower and what she can do. The sky is the limit.

Ever since she set paw in her forever home, she’s been a joy to her family and an inspiration to everyone that comes across her story.

Follow Duck and her adventures on Instagram.

Look at her go!

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