October 6, 2024

Meet Porg, The Cute Kitten With Big Eyes That Was Found Abandoned In A Box

 A woman from the suburbs of Chicago discovered a box on her porch one day. She was shocked to learn that it was actually a tiny kitten. She immediately treated the significant wound on his neck before taking him to the closest veterinary facility.

The cat, who was initially quite shy, was examined by veterinarian Elise Hall. Elise decided to care for him until his health was good enough to find him a forever home and to give him the name Porg after a Star Wars character with the same large eyes. As the hours passed, he grew friendlier and more playful. By the end of the day, Elise had made the decision to take care of him.

Elise soon noticed that scratching Porg’s neck or years would leave noticeable marks on the furry kitten’s skin. After looking into it further, they discovered that Porg had a genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Porg frequently wears clothing to protect his skin and help him feel more comfortable because of this. Elise said to Lovemeow, “It has been a challenging learning process figuring out what has helped keep his skin healthy and safe, but we now have our routine down, and he has been doing great.

Due to the daily use of eye drops, the situation is under control despite the fact that his condition also led to some eye disorders.

Naturally, Porg was adopted into the family right away, and Elise has no plans to let him go. Porg is a playful, cuddly, and funny cat, and his large eyes give him a distinctive appearance that causes people to adore him right away. Visit Porg’s Instagram page and some of our favorite images below to see more of him and his daily exploits.

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