October 6, 2024

Stray Cat Has No Food To Eat But Still Fends for Her Kittens

There are many cats and kittens on the street who have nothing to eat or live on. But some cats with their survival instincts, find a way.

This homeless cat fed and protected her kittens, even though she had nothing to eat herself.

The mother cat kept her kittens safe and healthy, even in the bad weather and with no food. She used everything she could to feed them.

But they would not have made it without CatRescue 901. CatRescue 901 learned about the brave mother cat and her kittens. They came to help and rescue them.

Jenny Storaker, CatRescue 901’s Co-Director, said that while the mother cat did well to feed her kittens, it was not enough. She speculated that she must have fed her kittens only once or twice on a good day and the entire family was weak.

The rescuers made a place for the furry family in an office when they got there.

The kittens had fun, playing on the cat tree, but the mother cat stayed away from the rescuers. She did not trust them and only fed her kittens when they were not there. 

Jenny, however, acknowledged that she understood the mother-cat behavior as she had to live on the streets in an area where no one cared about the stray cats.

After some time at the rescue center, the mother cat became more confident and friendly. She got love, comfort, and most importantly, tasty and good food.

The kittens were too thin when they got to the rescue. But with time and care, they got bigger and stronger.

It is amazing how the mother cat kept all her kittens alive on the streets with no food!

CatRescue saved the furry family in time and gave them a chance to have a happy and long life.

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