October 7, 2024

The Cutest Rescued Ginger Cat Across The Pond

Ginger Cat Appreciation Day is celebrated every year on September 1st, but I think ginger cats deserve adoration every day. Millions of cat lovers around the globe have fallen in love with these gregarious felines, and anyone who has ever had a cat knows just how special they are. My heart instantly melted when I first saw the photo of one spunky and equally precious ginger kitten from Sheffield. As cute as he is, his name is just as perfect as him!

In an interview with Starfish owner, we get to know the following:

What brought you to Starfish?

Despite our desire for a cat, we were always unsure if we could handle the responsibilities. Starfish came from a litter of five, I think, and the family that raised him couldn’t care for all of them, so they were looking online for new homes for them. I fell in love with his picture right away, and I knew I had to have him!

Is there any way you can tell what breed this Starfish belongs to?

Even today, I’m still trying to figure out what breed he is! While I picked him up, I saw his mother, but he did not have his father with him. We don’t know what breed Starfish is, but he’s still the cutest thing ever, and the vet believes he’s a domestic longhair mixed with some kind of ‘posh’ breed.


Who named Starfish?

When I first saw his picture, I noticed that his face had a star-shaped marking. At that point, I called him Starfish!

In what ways does he differ from you?

His entire life has been surrounded by people, so the attention he receives is very important to him. Every morning, he wakes us up with cuddles and purrs when he does not see anyone around him. It’s wonderful that he isn’t shy at all.

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