October 6, 2024

Traumatized Kitty Who Lost Both Eyes Putting Her Best Paw Forward to Get on With Life

Jovi was brought to a local veterinary office, by a gentleman that had found her with her eyes already ruptured, probably due to untreated infection, possibly due to trauma.

Two of the vet techs at that office offered to fund her surgery and medical care if Pet Helpers could foster little Jovi and find her an appropriate Forever Home.

“She had her surgery for bilateral enucleation (surgical removal of both eyes) October 15 and did well, coming to foster with me October 17. She was discharged with liquid pain medication and liquid oral antibiotic twice daily,” says foster mom, Mim …

“I was a little fearful of my ability to provide her with appropriate care since I have never fostered a blind animal. I’ve fostered several with medical issues including one eye, one ear, pelvic/hip surgery, severe demodex mange, gunshot wound…unfortunately the list goes on, but never a blind furbaby.”

“This little kitten has amazed me from day one! She steps slowly and deliberately, using her feet to sense her location as well as her whiskers. She uses her litterbox faithfully, is eating and drinking water like a little champion.”

“Even though she is thought to only be around 5 weeks old, she doesn’t much care for kitten milk replacer, so is eating kitten canned food as well as hard kitten food. I have her set up in a medium size wire crate with a “second floor” to give her more room.”

“I knew she wouldn’t be able to see the second floor or jump up on it to utilize her extra space, so used a corrugated scratching board as a ramp for her to use. Within 24 hours she had mastered going up the ramp. I would talk to her and walk her down the ramp and after just three times, she mastered the down maneuver as well. She now freely goes up and down the ramp with confidence. She began playing with toys two days ago, all of her toys are “noise” toys, ones with bells or jingles so she can find them.”

“Jovi has investigated her entire crate from one corner to the last on each floor. She fosters with several other canines and felines and has no fear of any of them. In fact, they all seem to sense she is a special little girl, giving her licks of love and being quite gentle with her.”

“She raises her head when she hears her name, will stand up as soon as she hears the crate being unlatched as she already understands something is going to happen. She loves to be brushed with her own purple human toothbrush; I’ve read that a toothbrush feels like a mother cat licking a kitten, tried it with Jovi and from her reaction it is a success,” said Mim during her interview with us here at Cat Lovers.

“Her only bad habit is play biting a little bit too hard and without a momma or siblings it is up to me to change that. When it occurs, I tell her “easy” in a firm tone and withdraw my hand, then gently start petting her again after a few moments with praising words. She seems to be catching on to the word itself and action, so I have my fingers crossed that it is working.”

“Consistency is the key with a blind animal. Jovi’s litterbox, food and water bowls are always left in the same position in her crate. When she grows a bit and is allowed to be free roaming, it will be necessary to keep paths clear for her to maneuver and remember. Of course, she should never be outside unless in a harness and the outside world may prove to be overwhelming for her…only time will tell.”

“We are not sure when Jovi will be medically cleared as adoptable, but have already received several applications for her adoption. Until that time, she will foster with me. She continues to amaze me with her resilience and make me smile and laugh at her bravery and spunk. Jovi is a beautiful soul and I am privileged to be her foster mom.”

Jovi’s story and photos have touched us so deeply here at Cat Lovers, we wanted to share her story with all of you. What a gorgeous, little angel!

She is currently under the care of Pet Helpers, Inc

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